April 12, 2009

it begins.

well, i said i would so now i have to.  (that's hopefully my mantra from now on...).  here is today, in terms of inputs and outputs:

an apple
an english muffin, fried egg, and cheese sandwich (delicious)
half an orange
spoonful (generous) of peanut butter
wild rice
black beans and rice
sauteed vegetables - onions, peppers
a little bit of steak

i did do a lot of yard work things outside today, and i walked around the block twice.  ive never been the kind of person who could handle exercising for its own sake.   i like to be DOING something.  walking around the block is good because im enjoying my surroundings.

but my pants dont fit...yet! 

April 11, 2009

but its a different species than we thought...

after a thoughtful conversation with the bf, ive decided that this ought to become a self-development blog.  in other words, a chronicle of my journey to becoming a better person.  part of that includes a healthier body, and so thats where ill start.  but there are other things i want to achieve...

stay tuned.

a blog is born!

I know its not much - I'm not overweight yet, but goddamnit my jeans don't fit anymore! i'm currently at an all time high of 152 pounds, and i would like to lose 12 pounds or so and return to 140, that magical place inside of me where my clothes fit. losing 10 pounds is no easy task for someone like me, who loves dessert and cheese. I'm already a vegetarian, so no need to cut out fatty red meats.

the way i figure it - the more people that get involved the better. so I'm going to blog about my weight loss journey. if anyone reads, thats great. if no one reads, thats great.

my vague plan - eating less and exercising more. im going to post everything i eat every day, to force some accountability on myself.

note: i decided on "fifteen pounds from zion" because zion is supposed to be a place of unity and harmony, which is probably not where ill be at 140 pounds, but its a nice thing to look forward to all the same!